AN INVITATION TO A TRIAL (January 10, 2009)

Concerned with the legal pickle in which I found myself, Vjeran Piršić, a friend and a Croatian ecological activist of note, recently wrote to Žarko Puhovski, a professor of political science and a Croatian human-rights activist of note. “Concerning Bon,” responded Puhovski tersely, “only two things can help—a good lawyer and a good deal of public noise.” And I have followed his advice to the letter. Having already hired the best lawyer I could find in Istria, yesterday I agreed to appear this Monday at a press conference in Pula organized by some of the Istrian greens, and then I wrote a one-page statement that I will distribute to the journalists who appear at the event. For greatest effect, I gave it a theatrical title: “An Invitation to a Trial.” An invitation it is, too, for I wish as many people as possible to witness first hand the travesty in Pazin this Friday. Having let it sit for a day, so as to make sure it would be just right, I put the final touches on the statement this afternoon, and then I started sending it to all and sundry via electronic mail. So far, I have sent it to all the major newspapers, to all the major websites dealing with news, to all the major organizations dealing with ecology and human rights, and to a whole bunch of influential ecological and human-rights activists in Croatia. By way of thanks, I sent a copy to Puhovski, as well. And now I am sitting with a glass of wine in my hand and waiting for that noise to begin. I can almost hear it already.