Natural disasters engineered by humans are in the news. Americans purportedly used rain against the Vietnamese. The Central Intelligence Agency is allegedly developing new weapons along these lines, but much bigger and more ominous. In turn, terrorists are supposedly planning to retaliate with supervulcano attacks on American soil. And so forth. Like anything else, geoengineering can be used as a weapon, too. Although I have no doubt that ideas such as these are being entertained left and right, I wonder how far they will go, if anywhere. Chances are that any natural disaster that strikes anyplace around the world will soon be interpreted by all and sundry as yet another feat of geoengineering. This is anthropocentrism turned ludicrous, to be sure. Anyone who mentions climate change will soon be ridiculed for his or her naïve predilections. “It’s geoengineering, stupid!” And there will be growing evidence that all the major powers in the world are indeed developing weapons along these lines. What better proof could there be that climate change is but an invention of the ignoramuses?